The Running Bird Ranch, Inc.
Located in Central Florida, We specialize in White Bellied Caiques, Jack Russell Terriers, Ostrich, Emu, Fainting Goats,
Fallow Dear. Have a look, many great photo's.
We Also Have: |
- Emu - Blown out Emu eggs - $20.00 ea - (minimum 5 eggs to ship)
- Ostrich - Blown out Ostrich eggs - $20.00 ea -
(minimum 5 eggs to ship)
- Fainting Goats
- Fallow Deer
from "BITE" magazine published by "Orlando
May 2004 |
For more Information Contact:
The Running Bird Ranch, Inc.
P.O. Box 1181
Geneva, FL 32732
Email us at:
Click here for a map of our surrounding area.
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